Sunday, December 22, 2013


Hello everyone. This is my blog numero uno. Today I am going to do a little introduction and give you my goals of doing a blog.

My name is Michael Kline and I am a Christian, a husband, a father, a son, an at-risk teacher, a graduate student, and a head high school football coach. I enjoy writing and as I get older and take on more roles in my life I feel like I have so much stuff running around in my head daily that I wanted to just take some time a couple of days a week to verbally vomit my thoughts down on paper (internet). I am a HUGE sports fan so much of what I will be writing about will have to do a little with sports, but I am going to also be writing about different stuff as well.

I have 3 goals of writing this blog. Goal 1: I alluded to this earlier, but I want to be able to decompress my thoughts and feelings about different things in my life. Goal 2: My wife is the one who kind of got me thinking about blogging because she has a blog and blogs sometimes. ( I think she should blog more, so I am hoping to encourage her with my own blogging. Goal 3: Give people something positive, encouraging, and hopefully sometimes humorous to spend 5 minutes a day reading. I promise that I will be as positive and encouraging throughout my posts as I possibly can. Additionally, I promise that I will not write more than 500 words per post. As a man, if I see anything that is toooooo long, I will not read it. Brevity is a good thing.

What this will not be is me pretending to know it all. I certainly do not have all of the answers. If I can get a few things right, I will be happy. My sons are 2 years old and 2 months old. I am still new at being a father so I certainly don't have all the answers in the daddy department. My football team has a combined record of 4-16 over the past two years, so I don't have all the athletic answers either. What I post here is just what I think and I am open to all help, encouragement, and kind words anyone is willing to share with me.

Finally, if you are a man and have gotten this far; CONGRATULATIONS!, I am proud of you. Thanks for stopping by. Hope to see you soon. Merry Christmas. Go Chiefs. (I am currently watching them against the Colts...they are losing 7-20; 3rd quarter) God bless.

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